Why you should hire a professional wedding photographer

What should I know before hiring a professional wedding photographer?

I have been working in the wedding industry since 2014 and I have experienced being the complete beginner photographer… I am still thankful to my very first wedding client for trusting me to capture such a precious time in their lives. I studied photography, and whilst I learnt in-depth about the technical side of things and how to compose shots, there is something real life experience just can’t be taught from a book or a class.

Let’s be honest, there are thousands of wedding photographers here in the UK, all at different prices, different styles and different levels of experience. It’s hard to know where to start, how to pick one, what to look out for and if it’s worth the investment, so if you’re still reading now, this blog is for you :)

Here are some things to look out for;

  • Consistency, is their portfolio consistent throughout a whole wedding? Have a good look through their blogs of real weddings and recent work

  • Do they include all of the final ‘edited’ images or just a small selection from the day? (this does not include RAW images which are the unedited files, typically you would not want to see these nor would any professional want to share them, editing plays a big part towards the finished image)

  • Are they experienced specifically in weddings? An experienced wedding photographer will be prepared for it all - tight schedules, weather conditions, big crowds, difficult lighting, and most importantly - always being one step ahead without flustering!

  • Reviews reviews reviews! You want to be sure your photographer is friendly, likeable and reliable, so reading testimonials is great for peace of mind before investing any money in any wedding service.

  • Fall in love with their work and not just their pretty marketing. Would their style be flattering on you and cover the atmosphere and story of your day, as it deserves to be told?

The reasons an amateur or family friend may not be the best idea

I have been a guest at a wedding and seen first hand how a family friend or amateur photographer can negatively impact a wedding. Friends want to enjoy your day, and being tasked with the responsibility to photograph for eight hours + is quite a big ask for anyone doing something as a favour. Then there’s the risk of adding tension to the relationship if something goes wrong. An amateur’s work will potentially look just like that - amateur. Photography requires expertise, creative ability and the right equipment, a professional wedding photographer would be prepared for things going wrong and they would also have professional back up equipment.

I will never forget the wedding I went to when the nervous family friend tasked with photographing the couple’s big day was stood at the front of the aisle moments before the bride was about to walk down. Their camera broke and they had no back up, the couple had no record of the most important day of their lives. This is the one time in your life worth investing in someone who will capture your day beautifully, as the investment lasts longer than one day - your images and memories will last a lifetime.

The benefits of hiring a professional wedding photographer

I have captured over one hundred weddings, probably more like two hundred now (you stop counting when you pass the hundred mark…). When you work with so many different people, most who are not used to having their photo taken, you learn how to get the most out of their portraits in a short space of time, with some gentle direction and a bit of banter/encouragement, anyone can have awesome wedding portraits. Many of the couples who book me are camera shy, but you can never tell from their photos.

Organisation is key to stress free documentary wedding photography. I plan ahead for a wedding, I map out the couple’s agenda and work in all the shots I need so the day flows naturally as it should, with minimal interference. I use art lenses which can get in close from a great distance to capture shots without anyone noticing (these lenses are also flattering and make skin look creamy, so it’s a win win!). I research the venue so I can hit the ground running, figure out the best time and light for portraits.

I spend a lot of time after the day is over editing. Editing can really transform an image and it is a big part of the post production. I then deliver the images on a private gallery, fully downloadable which can be shared with family and friends. Couple’s also receive a beautiful box with a memory stick.

It’s the finishing touches a professional will add, which can really add some luxury and extend the emotions beyond the wedding day, and it’s their experience and expertise which will ensure your day will be captured in the best way possible, whatever the weather. So if you’re debating wether it’s worth investing in a professional, the answer is YES!…do it, you won’t regret it.

If you would like me to capture your wedding day, please hit the button below for my contact form and drop me a message to check availability on your date.

For more wedding tips, check out my blog on planning a winter wedding